Saturday, May 13, 2006

May 13, 2006

Editor Willard R. Wade

This photo is a Brush Arbor Ekklesia of Christ.

Who started or who builds (edifies) your “Ekklesia” or who has translated into English, the word “church” for your translated Bible? What is the “Church” that Jesus built? Where and when did the word “Church” get it’s start? If you have not made a historical together with the Bible word study of this subject, then you are in for a big surprise.

Let us get our Lord’s Bible Greek word Ekklesia, translated correctly. If the Greek Bible word Ekklesia was translated correctly into the English, then the true definition of the Greek word ekklesia shold stop much of the confusion in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus declared to his disciples “upon this rock I will build “my ekklesia” or “my called out assembly’ which Ekklesia is mistranslated in most English Bibles as the word “Church.” (See Bible records of the Ekklesia written in Matthew chapter 16: verses 16-18).

The true translation for the Greek Bible word Ekklesia, would shock the Christian world only if there were true definitions in translations that describe what is the “Ekklesia” that Jesus said he was going to build. However as long as we have false translations, only a hand full of true believers will ever accept the true definition of the Bible Greek “Ekklesia.” Let us say that you are in the kingdom of Jesus but does the kingdom of your king, have an “Ekklesia or you certain that you have the Ekklesia that Jesus said he was going to establish or the edifacy for his kingdom.

We state emphatically, that in the true definition of the Greek word “ekklesia,” it is not possible for you to, in truth, translate the spiritual Ekklesia that Jesus built to edify the kingdom of God as the English word “church?” The Greek Edifice is a building but “edifice” is also the ground school for edifying or teaching doctrine.

The English word “Church” has a multitude of dfferent and opposite meaiings. The Greek Bible word “Ekklesia” must be translated to have only one true meaning of the Ekklesia that Jesus established. The English word “church” has many different and complete opposite meanings than the true word meaning of the Bible Greek Ekklesia.

Before we discover the true meaning of the Ekklesia of Jesus, let us first discover where the most ancient English word “church” comes from. The most ancient word “Church” comes from the old English meaning a holy or sacred building. We will give some of the false definitions of what is mistranslated as the Bible Ekklesia that Jesus did not say he is going to build.
Here are some of the many false dictionary definitions of the Greek word ekklesia,
church (chûrch) pronunciation and true definition
1. A building for public, especially Christian worship.
(Reply- Jesus did not so much as hint that he was going to build a church building.)
2. often Church
1. The company of all Christians regarded as a spiritual body.
(Reply, The Greek Ekklesia is a spiritual body but the original meaning of the word Ekklesia did not include all the people of God in the kingdom will make the decision s that direct the body)
2. A specified Christian denomination: the Presbyterian Church.
(Reply, this is the true definition of the word “Church” but the above is not a true definition for the spiritual Ekklesia of Jesus is not divided into demonations)
3. A congregation.
(Reply. True, the Ekklesia is the congregation of the body of the Ekklesia who are governed by elected officals to in polemic debate certain matters of the kingdom of God.)
3. Public divine worship in a church; a religious service: goes to church at Christmas and Easter.
(Reply the above is a -false definition. A Complete deceptive definition of the activities and duties of the called out of the Ekklesia of Jesus.)
4. The clerical profession; clergy.
(The above is true for the English word church but false for the Ekklesia of Jesus. The clergy can only be elected and the clergy is to be considered as only a part of the called out or elected spiritual Ekklesia of Jesus)
5. Ecclesiastical power as distinguished from the secular: the separation of church and state.
(Reply the above statement is wrong The Ekklesia is the state of the case and the Ekklesia has all control of the state. There is no seperation of the Ekklesia and the state of the kingdom of Jesus.

tr.v., churched, church·ing, church·es.

To conduct a church service for, especially to perform a religious service for (a woman after childbirth).

(Reply, the Ekklesia is not a religious rite, but an elected group who determines when and how to go to war against the enemies of God).

(Second reply to 5, the Greek Ekklesia is the controlling called out body whose duty is to through polemic debate to determine how and when to make war against the enemies of God but not a specific gathering for worship.)
Of or relating to the church; ecclesiastical.

(Reply better relating to the spiritual Ekklesia or the elected called out council.
Now here is where the ancient word church was first conceived in the most ancient English [Middle English chirche, from Old English cirice, meaning a sacred and holy building made to worship the pagan gods.”

(Reply to the above. It impossible for the Greek Bible word to be translated as a “Building. The meaning of the Greek word Ekklesia as the English word “Church” is a false addition to the record to confuse the Bible student.
More definitions about the word “Church" “ultimately the word Ekklesia is from Medieval Greek ku-rikon, from Late Greek ku-riakon (do-ma), the Lord's (house), neuter of Greek ku-riakos, of the lord, from ku-rios, lord.]”

(Reply .The above is false when giving a definition of the Greek Ekklesia. Not in any place did the original Greeks of Greece call their assmebly as the church building or house of the Lord.)
Now after reading the above, let me question, have you ever heard the true definition of the Ekklesia that Jesus said he was going to build?

Today the Bible word Ekklesia translated as the word “Church” has a multitude of different but false meanings in the English language. Because of religious error most English speaking people do not have the foggiest understanding of what is a true Bible “ekklesia” or “some will say the Ekklesia is the called out “church” that Jesus established for his Kingdom. Truth of what is the Ekklesia established by Jesus will shock the understanding of most students of the Bible.

...Now for a moment let us examine the Bible Greek word "Ekklesia" that men translate into the English as the word “church.” The Strong’s Bible Greek word that Jesus used to say he will “Build” is the Greek dictionary number .3618 oikodomew oikodomeo pronounced as “oy-kod-om-eh.” Oy-kod-om-eh. The Greek word Jesus used to mean he will “build up” or “edify” the kingdom of God through his Ekklesia. To “build” is meaning to “edify” or to teach from the this Petra or the foundation of the Greek PETRA WHICH IS A CLIFF of AN UNMOVABLE ROCK.

Keep in mind the edifying or the building up is what goes into and is recorded in the brain of the members of the spiritual kingdom of God. To build the Ekklesia is to build upon or “To edify.” To build through the works of the “Ekklesia” for the kingdom is made upon the foundation of the Greek “Petra” which is from God or the giant cliff of a rock or the Ekklesia is “built” to teach from the Petra or from an unmovable foundation.

Jesus declares as long as you have the true established “ekklesia” the gates of Hell will not or can not prevail against his called out group ekklesia. Do you have this true “Ekklesia” called out guiding and making decisions for your members of your assembly in the kingdom of God.
Now do not think for one minute that Jesus did not know what is the ancient Greek “ekklesia” that was first started for the democracy in Athens Greece. However notice and let us compare the difference in the Ekklesia of Jesus and the Ekklesia of the Greek of Athens. The Ekklesia of Jesus is created by Jesus to edify his kingdom compared to the Ekklesia of Athens which was a called out group to edify and direct the Greek democracy.

It would make more sense just to transliterate the Bible Greek word” Ekklesia” and remove the word “Church” and it’s many false definitions.

A history of the ancient Greek word “Ekklesia.” "Ek" the Greek word meaning "out of. "
The original Greek name “ekklesia” or the “called out” is originally recorded from the classic Greek of a peculiar “elect” or “called out” group in the city of Athens Greece. The Ekklesia (Greek) was the principal assembly of the democracy of ancient Athens. It was the popular assembly, opened to all male citizens over the age of 18 by the law giver Solon in 594 BC. In the 5th century BC, this amounted to about 43,000 people. However, only those wealthy enough to spend much of their time away from home would have been able to participate. The assembly was responsible for declaring war, military strategy, and electing strategoi and other officials. It originally met once every month, but later it met three or four times per month. The agenda for the Ekklesia was established by the Boule, the popular council. Votes were taken by a show of hands (See

Reply to the above statement "about 43,000 people (men) is pure speclation.
We see the original “Ekklesia “ is a group of elected or called out men similar to our congress of the United states. In the original Ekklesia of the Greeks women were not allowed to participate.

The word Ekklesia was later adapted into the koine or common Greek, which koine Greek language is considered by language scholars to be the ancient worlds most intellectual and descriptive language of that age (Keep in mind, the Ekklesia of the Greeks was starting some five hundred years before the coming of Jesus.)

After the Greek ruler Alexendar (the great) conquered the Israelites and Jews, a certain ruler of Alexandria Egypt, “Philadelphus” who ruled over the Jews, wanted to hellenize all the Israelites by translating the books of Moses and other religious books used by the Jews into the “Common” or “koine” Greek language. The Jewish Hebrew Tora or Pentetuach or “Jewish Bible” was translated into the koine or common Greek and the translation of the religous books were given the name “Septuagint” or “The Seventy.”

The Jews who wrote our Bible, had adapted the koine or common Greek language into their culture. The peculiar Greek language adapted by the Jews must be identified as the “Judaic Greek dialect” because of the many religious differences between Jews comparing to the pagan religion of the Greeks of Greece. Because of religious differences, many Bible or Judaic Greek words evolved in the Judaic Greek language to have many different meanings comparing to the word meanings given by the Greeks of Greece. Example the masculine word “Hice” or “one” in the Judaic Greek, did not refer to a god of numbers as it did in the classic or koine Greek of the Jews.

The Bible Judaic Greek word “ekklesia” did change some of the word meaning for Jesus and the Jews. The Bible Greek word Ekklesia or as men mistranslate the English meaning a "Church building," however the Greek word ekklesia, today, still has the same word meaning as it did some five hundred years before Jesus said he was going to build his “Ekklesia.”
The true meaning of the Greek word “Ekklesia” when written in the Bible Greek has the same meaning as the certain group of men who were “called out” to use polomic debate to determine the law to edify the democracy in Athens Greece.

The Ekklesia or the called out of the kingdom of Jesus are elected to, through polemic debate, reason for the cause of the spiritual kingdom, the same as the Ekklesia did in the Classic and koine Greek for their physical Democracy of Greece. The “Ekklesia” of ancient Athens Greece for some five hundred years before the coming of Jesus, was a type of the spiritual Ekklesia that Jesus said he was going to established to protect his spiritual kingdom from the gates of Hell.

What the elected “ekklesia” was in Athens Greece some five hundred years before the coming of Jesus and to this day, the Greek word Ekklesia has the same definition as it did near three thousand years ago. The key element of the called out or the Ekklesia of Jesus is "polemic debate in the assembly" to best determine the law of God in how how to war against the gates of hell.

Now what have we discovered? The first recorded Greek “ekklesia” (or if you insist "the church") is recorded to be in Athens Greece. The Ekklesia of the Greeks in ancient Athens Greece was a “called out “ group of elected officials or lawyers whose duty was to use polemic debate in the forum to determine doctrine or law given by Solan. The duty of the elected “ekklesia” (or if you nsist "church") is to decide for the the men of Athens, how to make war against the enemies of the state.

The duty of the Ekklesia (or if you insist in calling the Ekklesia "the church" of Jesus, is through open polemic debate within the called out of the assembly, to decide before all in the kingdom, when and how to lawfully war against the enemies of the kingdom of God.

What some men today identify as the “ekklesia’ or the “church” is not anywhere near what the ancient Greeks or what Jesus intended to identify as “my Ekklesia" that Jesus ordains. The Ekklesia of Jesus, is an elected group who debate the law of God before all the people. The “ekklesia” of Jesus the Christ, is -not the kingdom of Jesus but the Ekklesia or church is the elected group in the kingdom who determine through polemic debate in the assembly, the doctrine or law of Jesus in how to war against the enemy for the protection of the spiritual kingdom of Jesus.

We determine truth through polemic debate of the called out Ekklesia in the kingdom of heaven. Notice carefully now, not every one in the kingdom is the Ekklesia or the “called out” to debate the law of how to fight the enemy. You must be elected and you must know the law to debate the law of the spiritual kingdom of Jesus.
If your religious group does not hold in it’s assembly polemic debate, to determine law of the spirit, then your religious affiliation does not so much as have an “ekklesia” authorized for the kingdom by Jesus.

Now we question did Jesus give a doctrine or law to his “ekklesia,” that is be debated by the elected leaders in the ekklesia, in public assembly and the elected is to direct how and when to spiritually war against the enemies of God?

In the religion of your choice, who ordains and who in the public assembly through polemic debate, determines “the doctrine or law” that the apostle Paul warns that you must keep to save yourself (1Tim.4:16)?

Now notice the command to debate the faith that was given only once to the world.
¶ Beloved, while I was giving all diligence to write unto you of our common salvation, I was constrained to write unto you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints (Jude 3).

Does your open religious assembly have an open “ekklesia” or an elected group of leaders who openly debate the law of Jesus to determine how to conduct the spiritual war against the spiritual enemies of the kingdom of God?

Are you certain you will be saved by the doctrine taught without polemic debate outside the Ekklesia of Jesus?

Who is the head or authority who through polemic debate against the opposition determines doctrine that edifies your called out assembly?
We must have polemic debate to determine how many Ekklesias did Jesus build to edify his kingdom from how may different foundations?
The Ekklesia of Jesus is an elected group of officials who are authorized to debate the law of Jesus, to determine how to spiritually war against the spiritual enemies of God

We must have polemic debate in the kingdom of Jesus, by the called out or the Ekklesia to determine what is the true doctrine or law that divides from the Ekklesia that Jesus did -not build or what divides from other so called “churches?”

Did God authorize polemic debate for the assembly to determine in spirit and truth, so all in the kingdom of God can unite in one doctrine by polemic debate of the one true Ekklesia?

If the Ekklesia of Jesus is in truth, only a group whose duty it is to openly debate the doctrine of Jesus, then those who identify themselves as the Ekklesia of Jesus but refuse to hold polemic debate in their public assemblies, then they can not possibly be identified in truth as the true and living Ekklesia or kingdom of Jesus?

Can a “ekklesia” in truth make the claim to be the true and living Ekklesia or true and living called out assembly of Christ but hide their false doctrine in what they identify as a “church,” and make a multitude of excuses for their refusal to open their assemblies to polemic debate about their very different “church” doctrine?

In the kingdom of the devil, he will not allow open and public debate in his assembly, because he knows the truth will be revealed his many deceptions. History of The One True and living Ekklesia or called out assembly that belongs to Christ, comparing to false churches built with false doctrine imagined by false men who refuse polemic debate in their assemblies.

We need to be careful of men who find fault in translating the Greek Bible word “Ekklesia” as the most ancient English word “Church” only to further their doctrine of the Devil. If these men are trying to get every Greek word in the Bible translated into it's true understanding, then we must agree, they have the best motive to teach that the English word “Church” should not be translated in our Bibles as the English word “church” but instead should be translated into the English as “The called out assembly of the kingdom of Christ” or “The directors assembly of Christ.” However we must take note, the new Testament Greek language, there are words in Bible Greek, that can not be precisely described through translations into the English Language. The Greek word "Ekklesia" or as men translate the Ekklesia into English as the word "Church" just happens to be one of those words that have no precise word to identify the Greek “ekklesia.”.

The origin of the Greek word "Ekklesia" that Jesus used to name his assembly is found to be used first to identify the assembly or the governing body in Athens Greece. Five hundred years before the coming of Jesus the ancient Greeks in Athens, had what is identified as their "ekklesia." At the coming of Jesus the Greek word Ekklesia did not evolve to have a different meaning but the word meaning remained the same as was used in Athens Greece some five hundred years before Jesus said he will build his ekklesia. The Greek Ekklesia in Athens was the elected governing body of people who through polemic debate determined the law or doctrine that was established by the law giver So·lon (so-'l?n, -lo(n'). Notice very carefully now, the true definition of Ekklesia is the Athenian Ekklesia or the whole elected assembly who made decisions through polemic debate of the established law or the doctrine, to determine how and when to make war against the enemy. The ancient Greeks in Sparta had a similar elected group they identified in the Greek as The "Apella." This elected governing assembly of the “Apella” in Sparta was a very different group from the “ekklesia” in Athens, because the “Apella” in Sparta had no polemic debate in their forum. Now we see the original “Ekklesia is an elected governing body of leaders who make polemic debate to determine how and when to make war on the enemy. If there is no polemic or open and controlled debate in the forum then there is no true or legitimate “ekklesia.”

Now let us examine the words of Jesus who said he is building his "Ekklesia" and in the spiritual war, “the gates of hell will not prevail against” his -Ekklesia that will make decisions through polemic debate for the spiritual war to be made against the enemies of God Mat. 16:16-18).
Verse 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Keep in context, Peter has just confessed that Jesus is the Christ the son of God. Jesus said; You are "Peter." Jesus used the Greek word" Petros" which "Petros" is a name meaning "Petros or The Little Rock." You are Petros or you are "The Little Rock!"

Peter's confession that the Jesus is the son of God, then Jesus declares to Peter and the other apostles; “but upon this Petra" which keeping in the context, the apostle Peter has confessed to be the Christ, is an awesome unmovable foundation of a rock. See Strong's Greek number 4073 petra petra pet’-raor upon this awesome or powerful cliff of a rock, I will build my "Ekklesia" or my "assembly” {for polemic debate for the spiritual war, which we in the twentieth century must identify as "the Ekklesia of The Christ" (Mat. 16:18). Let us examine the Bible Greek word Strong's number 1577 Ekklesia ek-klay-see’-ah.

Jesus said in the Judaic Greek, he is building his “ekklesia” and this Ekklesia that Jesus said he is building, he indicated, the Ekklesia is to be built upon himself who is the awesome -Petra or a cliff of an unmovable foundation or rock. This Ekklesia or assembly or this group who through polemic debate of the established doctrine or law given by God, will determine when and how to carry the war against the enemies of God and the gates of hell will not prevail against the decisions made by the elected “ekklesia.” that Jesus builds.

Now we only learn from the Bible that Jesus has built his Ekklesia or assembly . Does it not make good sense if you want to be a member of the Ekklesia that Jesus built, you should choose a group who make decisions in open debate in their assembly how to use the original Bible records to teach us how to become a member of the Ekklesia that Jesus built? Ask yourself, what will happen if the church of my choice openly debate in our assembly, our differences with the doctrine of other churches. Can you imagine the catholic ‘church”open her assembly to a controlled or polemic debate her doctrine with her enemies who oppose her? It will never happen because the Catholic church know the truth discovered in polemic debate would devastate their hold over the people.

Now again let us examine the English word “Church” that is translated from our Greek Bible.
Oleg and Mautuf were two ancient Celtic pagans who worshiped their pagan god in their public holy building they identify as their "church." Oleg says to Mautuf come let us go to the "Church” and pray to our god in the church. Notice the building was adored as being sacred or holy to the pagans and the name of the pagan building was the origin or derivative of the English word "Church." Then the first church was only a building considered by the pagans to be sacred or holy. As you can see the original pagan word “church” has no likeness or affinity to the Greek “ekklesia” or the elected assembly who through their polemic debate, determine when and how to make spiritual war on the spiritual enemies of God.

First let us reason some necessary technical phonetics and unimportant semantics that men use to fight against the true and living Ekklesia of the Christ. There is a world wide movement by the -opposers of God, to use a little truth in phonetics or semantics about the most ancient definition of the word "Church" to cause confusion in the modern evolved English word "Church." So certain men try to appear to be more knowledgable and wreck the understanding of what is the "Ekklesia" or the called out organization that belongs to the Christ. S

ome try to put on a show of a higher intellect for the only purpose to get you to accept their false teaching about their "Church." The opposers of God or the enemy of the kingdom of Jesus use the word "Church" for their only purpose to cripple the understanding of what is the true “Ekklesia that Jesus established to determine war against the enemies of the kingdom of God.. They also want to divide what is in today's language that identifies the called out assembly of God by rejecting the phonetic English word "Church" because the English word “Church” was at the beginning used only to identify what was thought to be a holy and sacred “building.”

The apostle Paul wrote Ephesians 4:
1b Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
2 ¶ With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Notice Paul said there is only one body which is one assembly or one “Ekklesia.”
Men build all kinds of different churches with different doctrines (Laws).
Some digress in their ignorance when they say come let us go to church meaning to the church building, or perhaps to house of worship. " We are going to have church in my house on Sunday or near the resurrection moment, at early dark on the night of day One (Saturday night).
We hear others today say when it is time to begin the worship; “Come on let us have church.” "Let us get church started."
The most ancient “Ekklesia or called out assembly of Christ was held in the home. God through the Old Testament and in the New Testament designs the home as the first place for worship. Home worship is the bulwark of God for the church in Christian living (EX. 12: Acts 2:).
Those who practice home worship in strict and the purest doctrine of Christ, grow faster than the Ekklesia who gather in public buildings. Many proud, lazy and money grubbing preachers hate home worship because home worship removes the control of the money and keep the true mode of Ekklesia from their control.

Jesus built his Ekklesia and then gave it a specific doctrine of faith which is the law (The Greek “nomos “) of faith to the Ekklesia (Romans 3:27). The doctrine that Jesus gives to his Ekklesia is given only through the holy spirit only one time (Jude 2). Only the Jews of the first century are allowed through the power of the holy spirit, to give the law or doctrine of the Ekklesia that belongs to Christ. All men are judged by the law that was given only once James 2:12 So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Church doctrine is what divides between the Ekklesia that Christ built and from “churches” that men build. The doctrine or the law of Christ teach only one head of one body. Doctrine or law determines the conduct and appearance of the body or the church. There are thousands of different doctrines all make the false claim that Jesus the Christ or the pope or president is the head of their “church.” The “Ekklesia of Jesus has only one head. Many different doctrines of many different “churches” is like a monster with many different bodies with many different heads.

The apostle Paul wrote showing it is extremely important to keep the doctrine of Jesus because keeping the doctrine of Jesus is one of the many things that saves the spirit of man.
1 Timothy chapter 4 verse 16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

Now you should see how important it is that the Ekklesia you choose, has only the true doctrine or the law of Christ so the members of your Ekklesia can be saved. Only the Ekklesia who has open polemic debate has the true doctrine of Christ in their forum. The true Ekklesia of Jesus always allow open and public (polemic or controlled) debate (discussions) in their public gatherings, to make certain that they hold the true doctrine of Christ. In the “ekklesia” or “church” of your choice, how long has it been since your “Ekklesia” or “church” have allowed open polemic debate in your assembly with those who oppose your church doctrine?

Christ has a doctrine or law. Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ?

We are warned all Christians must contend or defend (debate) the law of faith Jude 3 ¶ Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

For all Ekklesias to unite as the one body, they must all hold the same doctrine of Jesus. Only the true church that belongs to Christ allows in their public assembly to contend earnestly or hold polemic debate for the true faith that was delivered only once to the saints. Only the true Ekklesia allows the true doctrine to be revealed in public debate in their public assemblies to determine how to and when to conduct the spiritual war against the enemies of God..

If you want to choose the correct ekklesia, then choose only the Ekklesia who allows open polemic (controlled) debate to determine truth in worship. Reject all “church” cults that have something dreadful to hide in their “church” doctrine. (Read my article what is the church cult?)
Does the Ekklesia or ‘church’ of your choice allow open polemic debate on any teaching that divides the one Ekklesia or from other churches? Those who refuse to openly debate their doctrine in their public assemblies, have something dreadful to hide in their church doctrine. Get away from the false “church” with their false doctrine who refused to open their assemblies and stand up and “contend earnestly for the faith” (Jude 2).

With a passion, the deceivers of the false “church,” hate the word doctrine or law. The idea of open and public controlled debate in their elected assembly terrifies their position they hold over the people. Some deceive their church members by teaching falsely that God did not give a doctrine or law to His Ekklesia. Those who do not have the true doctrine of Christ in their “church” hate the word doctrine or law and refuse to discuss or debate the matter in the public of their open assembly. Those who do not have open and public debate to keep the doctrine of Christ pure, they do not have Christ neither can they be identified as the true Ekklesia that Jesus the Christ built.

Now you should know the differenct between the Ekklesia and the Church that is made by men. Jesus built only one Ekklesia or one called ut assembly and gave the Ekklesia only one doctrine to debate. The apostle Paul warns that keeping the doctrine of Jesus is one of the things that saves the Christian (1Timothy 4:16). It is your life responsibility, to discover through either reading the word or though polemic debate, what is the true doctrine or law that determines what is the one true Ekklesia of Jesus. Study the teaching from those who oppose your “church” and the reason the scriptures to learn the truth and the history of your “church.”

Know for certain when your “church” doctrine was first started? Was your church and the doctrine you teach, started by Jesus in his resurrection and the Holy spirit teaching through the apostles? Does your “church’ wear the name of the builder? The following is a history of some who make the claim to be the one true church but not one of them will open their assemblies to polemic debate their church doctrine.. Only the Ekklesia or church that Jesus built will open their assembly to polemic debate. This should be the first warning that these false churches have something dreadful to hide in their church doctrine. Jesus starts His church in the corrected year of A.D. 30.

Time Place Founder The scriptural Church Name
A. D. 30 Jerusalem Yahsus (Jesus) the Christ. The Ekklesia of God or the Ekklesia that belongs to Christ, who is the only head over His one Ekklesia. Romans 16:16 Salute one another with an holy kiss. The Ekklesias of Christ salute you.
Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the Ekklesia of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
We can use either the name, “The Eklesia of “Yahsus” which is the true pronunciation of the name of the Christ. “The Ekklesia of God.” “The Ekklesia of “Christ.” There is a problem in giving a specific biblical name to the Ekklesia that Jesus built. To call the Ekklesia by the specific name of “The church of Jesus,” there are many men by the name of Jesus. In the Bible, there are more specific references made to “the Ekklesia of God.” To name the church, :”The Ekklesia of God,” then who is being identified as -The God? The God is only understood as -a god to many different people.

We give the names of the following churches who refuse to open their assemblies to debate their church doctrine. The following churches are very different from the Ekklesia of Christ because each of the following churches teach and observe a very different doctrine comparing to the doctrine that was give to the world in the first century. Each of the following “churches’ teach a different doctrine comparing to the dotrine which was given to the Ekklesia only one time and the doscrine of Jesus is given only through the Holy Spirit as the word of God. The doctrine of the Ekklesia of first century was given only through certain chosen Jews (Romans chapter 3, verse 1-3).. Jesus taught salvation is of the Jews (see John 4:22)

Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

Keep this truth in mind, the doctrine of Jesus was given only through the Holy Spirit and the doctrine of the ekklesia, was give only one time through the Jews of the first century (see Rom. 3:1-2).

The word of God was written only one time and only by the Bible writing Jews (See Jude 2). Any doctrine for the Ekklesia written after the first century is not from God or -not from Jesus, the Holy Spirit and not written by the Jews of the first century.

Any doctrine (Law) written outside what was written in the first century Ekklesia, is not of Christ and therefore is not the doctrine for the Ekklesia that belongs to the “one head” which is Jesus the Christ. Not one of the following “churches” will open their assemblies to polemic or controlled debate in their “church” doctrine, then it is obvious they know they do not have truth in their church doctrine.
Time Place Founder Church Name
321-25 A.D Constanople Constantine Nicea Roman Catholic digressed from doctrine and started to be formed but not yet named.
606 A. D. Rome Boniface III Roman Catholic
1520 A. D. Germany Martin Luther Lutheran
1534 A.A. England Henry VIII Church of England
1536 A.D. Switzerland John Calvin Presbyterian
1550 A.D. England Robert Browne Congregational
1607 A.D . Holland John Smythe Baptist
1739 A. D. England John Wesley Methodist
1830 A.D. America Joseph Smith Latter Day Saints (Mormon)
1830 A.D. America William Miller 7Th Day Adventist
1866 A.D. America Mary Baker Eddy Christian Scientist
1872 A.D . America Charles Taz Russell Russellites (Falsely call themselves Jehovah’s Witnesses). The closest group who have a true “Ekklesia” is the watch tower of the Russellites (who falsely call themselves Jehovah’s witness.” The only problem with the Ekklesia of the Watch tower society is, the “ekklesia” of the watchtower they refuse to hold open polemic debate in their open assemblies.
The Russelite “church,” which is not a true Ekklesia or church because they do not allow open “Ekklesia” or polemic debate in their assemblies. The Russellites who falsely identify themselves as “Jehovah’s Witness.” The Russellites were originally started by Charles Taz Russell who is recorded in history of the court of New York, to be a liar, sexual deviant and false prophet. The leaders who follow Russell also are proven through polemic debate to be false prophets (the debates are never allowed in their public assembly). The doctrine of the Russellites is contrary to the doctrine of Jesus and they refuse to have Ekklesia or open and controlled debate with the opposition in their assemblies.

The modern Catholic “Apella.” The modern Catholic “church” is not a true “Ekklesia or Church” but instead they are a false “Apella” because they do not allow polemic debate in their assemblies to purify and hold to the doctrine of Jesus in His kingdom. The Catholic “church” wasfirst started to be formed by Constantine (“The Great”). Many of the Catholic doctrines were started by Constantine in 325 AD, and the doctrine of the Catholics, are completely opposite the doctrine of Jesus.

“Mormons “church” which is not a true and living Ekklesia (church), but rather the Mormon “Church” is instead must be identified as the closed Greek “Apella.” The Mormons are an “Apella” because they do not allow polemic debate to hold the true doctrine or law give by Jesus..- The Mormons are founded and identify themselves as Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) movement, 1830. In a supposed vision of the Father and the Son reported by Joseph Smith (1820s) in N.Y.,

The book of Mormon and “Pearl of Great Price and other false prophecies are contrary doctrine compared to scripture that the Bible was to be written only once and only by the Jews, Rom. 3:1-2 and Jude 2.. Joe Smith also reported receiving new scripture on golden tablets: The original book of Mormon is easily proved in polemic debate, that the original book of Mormon, is an invention made by Joseph Smith, and the book of Mormon is a fake and a fraud. The ‘Mormons” would not dare have true Ekklesia or open or polemic debate in their assemblies for fear of the truth is revealed of their deception.. In public debate, the book of Mormon is proven to be false. Mormon leaders have tried to destroy the first book of Mormon and made some five thousand revision from the original book. Some revisions the original intent of Joe Smith is completely reversed.

In the twentieth century, there is a flood of new man made what they identify as a “churches” that will name themselves by a multitude of different names. None of these so called “churches” are so much as a true and living “Ekklesia” outside the Eklesia of Christ. Only the “ekklesia” of Christ will open their assemblies to polemic debate to prove they have the true doctrine of Christ. If all who claim to be the Ekklesia that belong to Jesus would opened their assemblies to polemic debate, they would soon all become one doctrine and determine one law of the kingdom.

Here are only a few of the multitude of unscriptural names men give to their man made churches, Full Gospel Fellowship Church, Church of the Nazerene, Christian Center Church, Church On The Way, Church of The Lost, Church of The Believers, Christian Cathedral Church, Christian Church, The Assembly of God church. The Episcopal Church, New Life Faith Center Church, Rock of Salvation Church, Hope Chapel Church, Jews for Christ Church, Calvary Community church, Four Square Church--the list goes on and on.
The following deviants also have the right to call themselves “church” but they are open and hide nothing in their church doctrine. They make no claim to be the church Jesus built.
!) The church of Satan *San Fanscisco. Founded by Anton LaVey.
2) Gay and lesbian Church.
3) The church of the devil

Each of the above churches teach something different, that sets them apart and their teaching will contradict or oppose all other “churches.” All teach a different doctrine that will identify their different beliefs.
Learn though polemic debate, which is the true church that teach the true doctrine of Christ? Only through polemic debate in the assembly of the Ekklesia and through an in-depth study of the scriptures will identify the one true doctrine of the one true Ekklesia that belongs to the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

I say be careful and always take the safe course and make the right choice, if you really want to be saved. It is impossible for us to be saved outside the kingdom determined by the Ekklesia that belongs to Christ. If your religious association will not open to public debate in it’s assembly, and if you have a different doctrine than the doctrine of the Ekklesia of Christ, then perhaps your champion will come to this web site and debate your differences so all on the web can read why you think you have the right to differ in your religious doctrine? Get your church champion to come and defend your different church doctrine.
Keep this fact in mind, if you do not have open debate with the opposition in you public assemblies, then you are not a true Ekklesia in the kingdom of Christ.

Now again notice very carefully the words of warning give to us by Jesus.
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: for such doth the Father seek to be his worshippers.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4: 23-24).
Notice the words of Jesus “must worship in spirit and in truth.” The only acceptable worship to God must be made in spirit and in truth. Then how are we to determine if we have the correct spirit and the truth?

In the love of God the truth and the brotherhood

Will Wade

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